Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tucumcari, NM

This was one of the towns on Rt. 66 that we did not get to on our last trip.  It once boasted 2000 motel rooms in the heyday, but much like most of the towns, it is now half, if not completely, deserted.  This gem, however, has been purchased, and is being brought back to its original state.

There seems to be a trend in this town to help restore the interest, as they are painting murals on the buildings with old cars and stars, and scenes of the day.  This one boasted James Dean and Clark Gable.  I have photos, but again, bad connection , so just this one tonight.

Our trip along Rt 40 often parallels Rt 66, and at other times swallows it up.  And that is exactly what happened when 40 was built.  The businesses that had thrived, were no longer accessible from the new road, and they dried up, and the towns followed.  No livelihood.  Has to make one think. While all the collections and memorabilia can be so much fun, it is sad to see deserted buildings along the roadside.  In a town called Cuervo, an entire town sits, really pretty complete, rather than falling apart....but just totally deserted.  In other places, gas stations, restaurants, and motels sit vacated and decaying.  I hope others will make the attempt  to preserve this part of our history.

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