Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This Texas Steakhouse on Rt 66 has been serving steaks since 1960, and promises a 72 oz one free to whoever can eat it!!  I had hoped we would hit it at dinner time, but it was still early, so we just stopped for a look and photos.  The inside does not disappoint!  Clem really was not interested in stopping, but we ended up spending a fair amount of time looking around.   Clem played a few slots, and I tried my hand at the shooting range, and we marveled at a wall of photos that holographically aged as we walked by!  Quite a hoot, and well worth the stop.  More photos to follow!

We continued on to Shamrock, nearly the border into Oklahoma, to spend the night before heading on.  We recognized it as the same place we stopped on the last time through!  The gentleman at the desk told Clem he did not accept credit cards, only cash, with two forms of ID!  His family has farmed this land since 1901, and he has always lived here.  The sites are in an open field adjacent to the pastures.  Sparse, but pleasant.  We set up as the sun dropped, and Clem fired up the grill for burgers while we sipped a little wine.  I don't know what it is, but living like this seems to call for a little wine when the day is done!  The burgers were great.....don't think a steak at the Big Texan could have compared.

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