Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Petroglyphs and Balloons

We bundled up in the chilly morning for a nice walk looking for petroglyphs, but were soon in our shirt sleeves.  The sun here is so strong, that even in the 50 degree range it is quite comfortable.  Add walking a sandy path, and you are warm!  Moab and this area are both ripe with petroglyphs, and the walk we chose was said to have 2000 images carved into the volcanic material.  Some more visible than others, it became a scavenger hunt!  We were not disappointed as we dropped into what they termed a canyon, hardly such by what we have seen in the last days!  But the noise of traffic disappeared, and the call of canyon wrens accompanied us farther along our trail.

The first thing I noticed were the tracks in the sand where nocturnal creatures had passed just before us. The wind of yesterday provided a lovely blank canvas, and they were clearly visible, which was really fun.  And I was thrilled to see a cottontail jumping around.  We did spot a Road Runner, finally.  For the state bird, they sure are elusive!

After our walk, we headed out in search of lunch, since we had forgotten to pack our picnic.  We spotted a DRIVE IN! Can you imagine?  What fun!  One of my favorite child hood things was eating at a drive in, and we opted for whatever food it may be, regardless of fat and calories!  I had a Chicago style Hot Dog, and Clem had a Conie Style, and they were delicious!  And though we had to order through the modern day conveyance, the food was delivered by a waiter on roller skates!  Fun, fun!!

Next on the list was the Abbruzzo Balloon Museum, adjacent to the launch area for the Balloon Festival.  It was very interesting to see the history of the balloons before they became recreational.  We had both forgotten that they were used in the war, where their payload was bombs.  And the dirigible that once crossed the ocean in two days, with first class service, including wine and meals served on china.

The next adventure was to be the Sandia Mountain Tram ride that we could not take yesterday due to wind, but today it was closed for maintenance!  Oh time!  We do enjoy New Mexico, and will definitely be back.  In fact, next year at this time!  I have to say the western part of the state is far more interesting topographically than this part, which is pretty flat and brown, save for the occasional outcropping of some extinct volcano.  And due to the altitude of the area, they are not even that prominent.  Not at all like the snow capped peaks of the Cascade range that never ceases to amaze me.  But the amazing blue sky, the clear air, and the culture are just unique and fun.  I have developed a passion for Kokopeli to the point that one of our windows is now adorned with a sticker of his image. More on him later.

Once again, I have more photos, but wifi here, and even Clem's hot spot, just so slow, I will post later.

We head out this morning, having extended our stay here one more night, to new adventures!

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