Thursday, October 27, 2011

Suffern, Florida

What is in Suffern?  Well, it is just outside of Tampa, and includes the State Fair Grounds, and the Ice arena  where the Tampa Bay Lightening practices.  Tampa/ St. Pete also has a wonderful new museum of Salvador Dali works, the building itself being reason enough to visit, and a Dale Chihuly Museum.  We visited both of those last winter, and they were wonderful.  But of interest to us this trip was Lazydays RV.   I have been "hinting" to Clem that I think we really need a diesel RV, rather than the gas operated one we purchased, which , while very nice, does drag a bit on those mountain passes.  Diesels also provide a cushioned air ride, and come with air brakes, both giving a better ride, and better stopping, and provide hours of fatigue free driving.   Well, Clem totally surprised me several days ago when he asked if we should go to Atlanta, or go down the coast of Florida and drive a diesel and see if it really made that much difference!  Wow!!  I figured MAYBE by January he would agree to at least go take a drive!  Well, we looked at them when we arrived, and drove one yesterday morning, and put the deal together yesterday afternoon!!  After a long day today of signing papers, being greeted, and moving into our delivery site, we now await our new coach!!  It means another couple days here waiting for them to go through everything to make sure it all works, and us moving things over.  It has some really nice upgrades to the interior, in addition to the bigger engine, and we are both very excited to get it.  I snapped a couple of photos this morning before they whisked it off to the repair bay, so will include them.  We will have a couple of days to do a little exploring now while we wait.

We liked this option of two chairs instead of the second couch.  And the bathroom is at the rear of the coach, behind the bedroom, with a second half bath "midship."

Our coach had three slides...the new one has four.
Tile floors and a residential refrigerator are really nice additions!


  1. wow wow wow WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hehe! Pretty neat, huh? And the ride is SO nice...kitties should be happier, too! :-)

  3. House on wheels! Love it! Neil and I want to do this very thing some day, only go to a different state and plant ourselves there each winter. With family all over the place it will give us the chance to spend quality time with everyone. Love the " Akunah Matadda" we just took our Grandaughters to see Lion King in 3D, talk about fun!! So glad I finally got on here to follow! This is great!! Love you both!!
