Monday, October 24, 2011

still on Lookout Mountain!

We also visited Rock City on the mountain, where I was constantly torn between not liking the commercialism, and being amazed and amused by the creation of the garden and paths around the through the rock!  The views at the top, where you can  see seven states on a clear day, and the many areas where you come out to the edge of the ledge were beautiful.  One could spend a great deal of time taking the many trails and bridges  through the garden pathways, that sported names like Fat Man's Squeeze and Goblins Den.  

The next trip  INSIDE the mountain was a bit disappointing, except for the actual waterfall, which was  deep  inside.  There was a natural opening to the cave at one point in time, actually used as a hospital during the civil war, but became too dangerous to use when a railroad was built. A project was undertaken to drill another way into the cave, when the waterfall was discovered.  An elevator takes you down some 250 feet, and then you walk through to the waterfall.  We have been in several caves and caverns, and although it has a few small stalactites and stalagmites, it lacks the large colorful structures that we have seen in others.  But the waterfall was interesting, and two out of three aint bad!

We opted for another night of BBQ, and this time went to the restaurant that was recommended, hoping they might still have ribs.  Sunday more quiet night for them, and we got to the little hole in the wall with worn stair treds and cafe curtains that could have used a good washing, and were greeted by a friendly guy who told they did indeed have ribs tonight.  While we waited for our dinner, we heard him greet customers by name, and banter with his wife in the back.  Well, the ribs were the best I have ever eaten!  We enjoyed our meal, and some bantering with our host , and spent some time chatting with both of them before leaving, as we were the only ones left in the restaurant by then.  A fun evening to end a nice day.

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