Thursday, October 13, 2011

Temple Square

 Of course, our destination here was Temple Square.  I had heard you were not allowed inside the Temple, but there was a visitors center with a model that allowed you to see what it looked like.  In retrospect, it seems curious to me, as we have visited mosques and cathedrals and even the Vatican, and yet we were not allowed here.  Anyway, it was pretty impressive from the outside.
We were in the Tabernacle, when two young ladies approached and asked if we had questions, and they were quite informative.  They were doing their 1 1/2 years duty to the church, spending 12 hours a day walking around and spreading the word.  Though they did not really try to convert us, they did ask if we would like to purchase the Book of Mormon, and one of them would deliver it to us.  We passed.  But they were lovely, and quite informative, and it was very interesting.

Each day at noon, you can attend an organ recital, which we did, and it was astounding to hear the 11,000 pipes.  The organist demonstrated the amazing acoustics of the building, which was built in the 1800's mind you, by dropping straight pins and tearing a newspaper, both clearly audible.  We did not do our homework early enough, as we could also have listened to the choir practice (360 members) on Thursday night.  I mention this so anyone who may visit should be aware!  I got a video on line, and we listened!  haha!

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