Saturday, October 15, 2011

Interesting Encounters

Yesterday on the trail we met a woman in an Oregon shirt, and asked, of course, if they were from Oregon.  Well, the accent told us before she got it out, that they were from Australia.  They have been touring for three months in a fifth wheel that they own and leave here for their twice a year visits to the US!  We chatted about where they had been in the parks, and in the US, and they were so much fun we laughed and laughed!  She told of her experience of hiking to the Arches, which was the steep trail we had skipped, and not being able to get back down, and an ANGEL of a man taking her hand and then telling her to sit down and guiding her down, while her husband said he was behind her pushing her and telling her to get out of the way!  That the Angel guy told her to jump, and then she could be an angel , too!  Not really, but he was so funny!   Said she finally got down, but with foot prints on her back!  But how neat that they keep an RV here to explore!!  

We met an English couple who were doing the same thing.....although we did not have as much exchange with them, that was the first I heard of such a thing.  They come only once a year for 6 weeeks.  You have to wonder how many people do that.  

There were probably a hundred rental RV's in the parks in the last couple of days, and I believe the majority of them were European, and our Aussie friend concurred, saying "you have a beautiful country! " We certainly heard many languages being spoken, whether they were in RV's or in cars.  And a busload of Asians yesterday.  And we saw so many different license plates from the US, that I actually started writing them down, much to Clem's chagrin, to see if I could collect the entire country!  Well, I think I cam pretty close!  Without looking at my list, I can think of only a few I was missing, which were PA, NY, NC, SC, GA, Virginia......seriously!  I even got NJ and Alaska and Maryland!  Clem thinks I am very silly.....I thought it was kind of fun!  haha!  

Well, we leave our site in Utah this morning for New Mexico.  Although we had planned on traveling Rt 70 into Colorado and across, the snows have moved in.  The Australian couple told us they were surprised by it, as he stood in his shorts in knee high snow!  They got out of there, but others they knew had stayed, and told of frozen pipes and cut off water!  Definitely not where we want to go!  Ok.....gotta round 'em up and move 'em out!  Have a great day!!

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